Significance of Blue Door in the South West

The first question I am asking is if your front door generally good feng shui? The front door is known as "the mouth of chi" it is intended to be the "heart" of the house and provide energies into the house. The front door should be according to feng shui rules which are as follows:

  1. The door should be larger than other doors in the home.
  2. If you have a porch then this door should be on hinges next to the main door. There will be energy between the two doors. The best porch door is normally retractable sliding doors.
  3. The door should open and close really easily and not catch on a doormat.
  4. The door should open inward, therefore allowing the Chi to come inside the home.
  5. There should be no cobwebs in the porch.
  6. A double front door only for extremely large homes or negative energy will enter.

The key aspects of a front door is the fact that it faces outside and is often used for privacy. It is recommended that the door contains clear glass so that energy can come in and leave. In this case, sheer curtains are needed. The front door in any house is the most important part of feng shui. The bigger the door the best tech energy that will appear. The most important part of the dual is the energy that flows between the inside and outside. It is important that there is nothing that is near the door. For example recycling bins, smelly old parts or anything out sick prevents the flow of natural energy. Make sure that the area of the door is fresh and thriving. The front door as well should open wide and be somewhat inviting. If your front door faces certain directions then you need to find an appropriate color.

What color is your front door? Did you know we can Everyone knows something about the meaning of colors because we all hold a strong intuition and feel for colors intuitively. For example, when wearing a red scarf, we tend to feel more passionate. The blue sky and admiring the white puffy clouds will calm us down. There is no doubt that colors have an important meaning in our lives. If you are thinking of selling your house or that you are wondering what colors mean in order to use them to the best ability - then I hope this article will help you.

Colors in spiritual terms can be used for healing, personal growth, mood enhancement, and communication, in feng shui the door color connects with our energy in life. They influence us in many ways. People even use colors to express positive intentions in their home. If we look at Feng Shui the technique is based on the manipulation of one's physical environment so that positive energy can be produced. Colors can be used to enhance our house and they boost our energy of positive or negative thoughts. Recently I decided to repaint my front door in a different color, it was blue now it is red. This has resulted makes major changes in my mood and behavior.

This leads to the question – can doors influent our mood when painted in a specific color? Guess you'll have to read our article to find out more. Scroll down and enjoy.

The meaning of red door: The red color symbolizes luck and welcomeness. Apparently, the early North Americans painted their doors red as a sign of good neighbor and friendliness. Folklore suggests that a traveler should stop at a house with red door and have a good meal and a good sleep. Catholic churches tend to paint their doors red to honor Christ's sacrifice – a fundamental love statement, while in Feng Shui, the red door symbolizes the opening of energy and is encouraging.

The meaning of orange door in feng shui

The orange color is linked to Mercury, the fastest spinning of all planets. Mercury symbolizes reception, commerce, intelligence, communication, perception, flexibility and movement in the Roman culture. Thus, painting your business door orange is probably a good idea. Mercury – Hermes in Greek would honor such move because he's the alleged god of business trade and merchants.

Yellow Door Feng Shui

The meaning of yellow door in feng shui

If you're looking for a way out of depression and want to improve your mood, paint your door yellow. Think about painting your inside doors yellow because the color is known for its way of lightening people from the inside out. The yellow symbolizes creativity, intellect, clarity and brings positive changes in people's lives. Also, yellow is considered as unifying color because it somehow connects the heaven and earth.

The meaning of green door in feng shui

The green color door indicates spring, therefore, it's the symbol of growth, renewal, transformation, and rejuvenation. The green color is also associated with the earth and provides grounding energies. It's used in holistic healing strategies because it's believed that green can improve your physical well-being just like compassion can. Ancient people preferred to wear green clothing because they actually believed that the green color represents the nature spirits and can encourage protective forces.

Red and blue doors feng shui

The meaning of blue door in feng shui

If you're an artist, then you might consider painting their studio door blue because it's believed that this color will appeal to your inner muse. The blue color is the representation of sensitivity, freedom, imagination, calmness, and imagination. The color is aligned with Jupiter, explaining why this color makes you feel magical when surrounded by something blue. Blue is also the color of water and heaven, therefore, it's fluid and deep. The blue color also symbolizes purity and cleaning.

The meaning of purple/violet door in feng shui

If you're looking for something that represents wisdom, meditation, spirituality, love, and compassion, and will produce peaceful energy around your home, you better paint your door violet because this color supports all these qualities.

The violet color can be noticed in Catholicism on the advent and Easter because they see the color as a representation of awareness, spiritual union with Christ and mindfulness. You will make a smart move if you paint your meditation areas in violet because the color will contribute your prayers, calmness and spiritual growth.

The meaning of white door

White doors are associated with the moon, the white door in your home can serve as a gateway with symbolic associations of time, cycles, clarity, feminine power, and transition. Also, the white color produces the energy of purity and cleanliness, thus, if you paint doors white, you might find their aura consuming you. Your mind will become much clearer.

When to paint your door in feng shui

You might consider painting your doors white if you survived a recent breakup. Or if you had to kick out someone out of your home. White implies to your preparedness to move on, make some positive change and be happy about the fresh start ahead.

The meaning of brown door

Brown is often used for painting doors. You probably wonder why. Well, it's because the color is associated with deep rich soil – the symbol of stability, structure, warm, and grounding – 'down to earth' energy. The brown represents the foundation of our home and if you prefer brown for your doors, you should use the color to partner the foundation with the home interior.

Multicolored Doors Feng Shui

The meaning of black color in feng shui

Black doors as I have said are associated with feng shui - painting this color is are perfect for people who want to stay mysterious and keep their lives private. If you like black doors, you're probably the type of person who knows how to keep secrets like stones keep silence. All the magic happens behind black doors. An interesting fact about this color is that in Spain, it's used by the court system and symbolizes dignity, consciousness, and formality, white in the East, black is the yin principle and is a symbol of feminine energy. Here comes the end of my explanation. I hope you enjoyed our article and this has given you some thought on what color to paint your front door.


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