How Can Standardized Performance Reviews Help Gender Equality

With gender disinterestedness a topic of even a Super Bowl LI ad , it'south clearer than ever earlier that every CEO should exist making gender equity a priority this year.

Endless studies accept shown the equal economic contribution women make in the workforce, yet companies notwithstanding struggle to achieve the goal of equity, particularly in the areas that affect women's upward movement the most: promotions and compensation. In 2015, ninety% of new CEOs in the Southward&P 500 were promoted or hired from line roles — and 100% of these executives were men. Furthermore, the McKinsey and LeanIn.Org study, Women in the Workplace 2016 , found that for every 100 women promoted, 130 men are promoted.

When looking at compensation, the 2016 Visier Insights Gender Equity written report institute that the gender wage gap widens when women are 32 years one-time, starting with women earning xc% the wages of men, and decreasing to women earning 82% the wages of men by historic period 40. This widening wage gap, our study showed, is directly related to the increasing underrepresentation of women in director positions.

Although significant progress has been fabricated in employers proactively pursuing policies of equal pay for equal positions, this alone will not shut the gap: gender equity is a complex and systemic effect that requires activeness specially when it comes to performance direction.

Gender equity is a complex and systemic consequence that requires activity especially when it comes to functioning management.

Performance Management's Issue on Gender Equity

Merely put, strong performers can make the difference between hitting business organisation objectives and missing them. An individual's contributions to the organisation should typically be the main factors used to determine promotions and bacon raises; nevertheless, McKinsey found that while 93% of companies report they employ clear and consistently practical criteria to evaluate performance , only 57% of employees written report managers actually practice this in practice.

Visier'southward 2016 study of gender equity at large U.S. organizations further calls into question the fairness of performance management practices: findings show that a larger proportion of men agree manager positions than proportion of women, increasing to as much equally a 10-point gap, and occurring despite women showing the same overall charge per unit of promotions and higher average performance ratings.

Visier's 2016 study of gender equity at large U.S. organizations further calls into question the fairness of performance management practices

The Take a chance For (Unintentional) Gender Bias

As Nobel Prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman writes in Thinking, Fast and Tedious, the brain is dominated past 2 major "characters": Organization 1 (fast thinking) is the domain of intuitive responses, and Organization 2 (dull thinking) is the domain of witting, effortful thought.

When everything is working well, System one — the intuitive response system (divers as a cluster of mental shortcuts) — volition call on Organisation 2 — the domain of conscious thought — for assist only when needed. System i is automatic and can help you efficiently read other people in social situations. It includes innate skills and activities that have get automatic through repeated do (like driving a machine or riding a bike).

However, System 1 as well oftentimes has biases, which can lead to systematic deviations from l ogic , probability or rational choice . I t cannot exist turned off, and causes problems when it is the but machinery used for high stakes, complex decision-making — usually the kind required in performance management.

Data visualization showing budget base pay per full time employee grouped by gender over time

Researchers at Stanford Academy's Clayman Establish found that managers perceive women to take better team-based skills, while they see men as being more contained. This put women and men on different career paths, with men being more favored for leadership positions.

The researchers likewise conducted an analysis of the language in hundreds of functioning reviews and constitute that women received 2.5 times the amount of feedback men did virtually aggressive communication styles, with phrases such as "your speaking style is off-putting." Women were too described as "supportive," "collaborative," and "helpful" nearly twice as often equally men, and the women's reviewes had more than twice the references to squad accomplishments, rather than individual achievements.

On the other mitt, men'due south reviews had twice as many words related to assertiveness, independence, and self-confidence. Men as well received three times as much feedback linked to a specific business outcome, and twice the number of references to their technical expertise.

In response to the research , Caroline Simard, director of research at the Clayman Plant , said: "Stereotypes shape our perceptions of competence. We hold women to a college standard in evaluations, and women also tend to evaluate themselves to a higher bar."

Such hidden biases could ultimately atomic number 82 to "cumulative disadvantage over a adult female's career over fourth dimension, resulting in lower admission to primal leadership positions and stretch assignments, advancement and pay," Simard added.

Women and men [are put] on dissimilar career paths, with men existence more favored for leadership positions.

Overcoming Gender Bias with Data

While yous may think that using more System 2 thinking is the way to overcome our biases, the reality (as identified by Kahneman) is that people often employ System 2 approaches to reinforce what they already recall they know, instead of using prove-based facts to reach new conclusions.

When consequent functioning management processes are combined with accurate data on performance, compensation, and other gender disinterestedness metrics, gender bias is removed from the decision-making procedure and business leaders can be more confident that they're making decisions that won't unfairly forestall a adult female from making progress within the system. By adopting a information-driven approach, you not just create a fairer workplace, just a much stronger workforce as well.

Well-nigh the author: Visier Team

People-centered ideas and insights by the editorial team at Visier.


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